KSFE Whistleblower logo Come on Whistleblower !

We are hearing you...

By reporting an unlawful activity, you are helping our organization... helping your own existence...
Give Description of your case here... Include maximum details known to you... You can speak instead of typing
Attach documents if any

Giving your name or any other personal identification details are not mandatory
Employee Code
Employee Name
Mobile Number
KSFE Whistleblower logo
Who is a whistleblower ?
A whistleblower is a person, often an employee, who reveals information about activity within an organization that is deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe or fraudulent.

What to report ?
A whistle becomes meaningful when it clearly depicts 4 things.
1. What illegal / unlawful activity is noticed ?
2. Where it is observed ?
3. When it happened ?
4. Who is/are involved in the activity ?

How whistlblowers privacy is protected ?
Only higher authorities of KSFE will have access to the reported cases. Personal details of the whistleblower will be kept masked. Also, a whistleblower can remain anonymous if he/she wishes so.

Is it possible to follow-up a reported case ?
On submitting a report, a RECEIPT will be displayed as response. Whistleblower can approach Manager(IAD) with a valid receipt number to know the status of the particular whistle.